Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Welcoming a new Rotary year

Amanda Hurst, senior at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, is the incoming President for the 2008-2009 Rotary year for the Las Vegas Rotaract. A charter member, Amanda has enthusiastically been involved with LV Rotaract since its charter date in April 2007.

Amanda has spent most of her life in the Mid-west (Illinois) but considers herself quite the city girl as some of her favorite places are Chicago, Los Angeles, Barcelona, and the new addition of Boston. Amanda considers her family to be the most important part of her life as she has two younger siblings that she calls her pride and joy. For her year as the President of LV Rotaract, Amanda has goals of raising at least $1,000 for Polioplus as well as raise close to $500, if not more, for malaria nets in Papau New Guinea. Some of the incoming board members have been active helping Amanda create innovative ways to fund raise and meet with the local Rotary clubs throughout the year. Busy with scheduling club visits/presentations, Amanda prides herself on trying to get the 'word out' about Rotaract and to be taken seriously.

Nikki Pintar is the incoming President-Elect of the Las Vegas Rotaract. A junior, majoring in Nursing at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nikki is excited about what the upcoming year will bring. Nikki is from Ely, Nevada. A small town about four hours away from Las Vegas. Her small town background didn't stop her from getting her whole town together in support of the Ronald McDonald House pop tab program that the Las Vegas Rotaract adopted as a project. While away on break, Nikki collected thousands of pop tabs and returned to Las Vegas to donate them to the Ronald McDonald House of Greater Las Vegas.

Nikki is also a charter member of the Las Vegas Rotaract and is in full support of the upcoming fundraisers and many other ideas that seem to be pouring out of the club members. Some of these ideas include Rotaract buttons and the possibility of a co-op blood drive with the UNLV Circle K.

With the enthusiasm and drive of these two young ladies as well as the support of the club members and district Rotary clubs, the Las Vegas Rotaract has a promising future ahead.

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